Jorge’s letter
Dear unknown friend,
Welcome to our digital garden. You are invited to join us in receiving and playing – to wander and wonder within Sea Free.
Receiving the songs and stories from your connection to Sea Free.
Playing in the research and mapping of what Sea Free can mean for you, and our world.
This website is offered as a portal for you. To share enough of Sea Free with you to help you find your own connection to it, and to invite you to share what you learn back with us. We seek to collect and share the offerings of Sea Free to help us explore the possibilities for growth and healing in our own world.
Ah, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Let’s begin with the beating heart of what we’ve learned thus far in our research:
Sea Free is a universe parallel to our own where humans evolved without binary identities. Where humans never got stuck in the deep oppression of having to be one thing or another – but could be many selves all at once in ever shifting communities. What freedom!
“In the human imagination a parallel world is not a world that replicates the one in which we live, or is its exact opposite, but one that turns and flows through many other possibilities and dimensionalities; all the while keeping company and somehow referencing the one it shadows. The parallel life is as unpredictable and indeterminate as the one that supposedly gave it its life. When we speak of parallels therefore we speak of accompanying possibilities… an ocean seen from a cliff, another life, informing this life… a spur to boldness…”
– David Whyte, Consolations (2015)
Parallel universes are created when different possibilities branch off from each other in reality. We can’t (yet) pinpoint the exact moment our times/-verses departed from each other, but we are certain it happened before the rise of the written word. All of Sea Free’s accountings of myth/spirit/ancestry depart from our own conceptions- in some ways big and small. While our social structures differ, we are fairly certain that our physical worlds and the science of our universes are identical. This leads us to believe that what is possible for them could be possible for us.
Of one thing we are clear: the moment our universes departed was a seismic change, a change in how love and courage flow. As I have waded through the Sea Free artefacts N.M. and Amos have collected, it became evident that there were many similarities – and many striking differences – we’ll get into that more below. Overall, we sense that love and courage are shared differently in their myriverse. In many ways our brains probably still can’t understand how this flow is different, but our hearts, somehow, recognize it.
Each of us on the Sea Free Science Team have been deeply moved by our own catharsis and joy connecting with Sea Free. Our hope is that by sharing these offerings with you here you may uncover your own connection to Sea Free:
- We encourage you to start by exploring Sea Free with our dynamics page, laying out the research we have collected thus far. While Meg and Damaya have done a great job laying out the very little that we know thus far, I struggle with how much we have left to learn and explore.
- You are probably thinking, How can you know a whole universe? And yet, I still yearn to. I will never have it all, and yet I will try and I welcome you to join me.
- We need more Sea Free receivers like you to join us in mapping Sea Free and learning about their world.
- After that, we invite you to consider making a Sea Free artefact of your own. Learn how to make an artefact in our Artefact Archive.
- While there, you can spend time with the artefacts that Sea Free Receivers have shared with us. Artefacts are one of the primary ways we share what we learn from Sea Free – they help us explore our connections to Sea Free in a deeper way – one that can transcend the limitations of language.
- We need more artefacts: you can find a simple guide for how to connect to Sea Free, as well as how to make artefacts on this page.
- If you’d like to go deeper, then we invite you to dive into the Time Shard Map – pardon our proverbial dust in there, this is the newest part of our garden and it is still very much under construction.
- As Amos and N.M. scour the globe for more Sea Free Receivers and their artefacts, we are slowly piecing together a sense of Sea Free’s history. The Time Shard Map lays out the shards of THEIR evolution that we’ve mapped.
- We are adding to it monthly as new items come in. We’ve been able to accomplish a mapping of their very, very, early times – you can check out that shard here.
- If you’d like to know a bit more about the team behind this website, you can see our bios here.
- Finally AND MOST IMPORTANTLY – we invite you to explore and engage with us by submitting your own artefacts – you can find all the details on how to do so in our Current Invitations page.
Whew – that’s a lot, I know. It can be overwhelming for me too, and at the same time it can feel like we are simply scratching the surface – it’s a whole universe! Oh friend, it is easy to get lost in worrying you are not enough. And when I’ve sat with my offerings from Sea Free – coming through on a walk with my dog, or while I’m washing a spoon – I hear that I can be all of me all at once and that might be enough. That is enough for me.
Before finding Sea Free I had been leading meditation retreats and leadership development workshops for years; quite successfully I might add! I was helping people find their spiritual center and translate that into their work in the world.
But something always felt missing for me – spiritual practices often take us to a serious place of introspection that feels too hard to translate into our daily lives, and leadership practices for work often engage only a fraction of the human spirit – addressing immediate issues in the workplace, but leaving so much deeper unresolved.
What I found personally through Sea Free was what was missing all along in my journey – play, in real time, in our world. The chance to play with my understanding of myself, and what the world could be so that I could break through in this world, in this life, to greater freedom.
As one of my favorite spirits, Gloria Anzaldua, wrote: “Awareness of our situation must come before inner changes, which in turn come before changes in society. Nothing happens in the ‘real’ world unless it first happens in the images in our heads.”
I want more for our world, friend. We want more for our world. I deeply hope you will find something of joy and risk in this invitation that serves you in this lifetime.
With gratitude,
Jorge Robas
Sea Free Science Team
Email us at:, or [first name]
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Sea Free Time Shards Map

ian dooley on Unsplash